Tiffany's PIE Journal

Sunday, July 31, 2005

It was a cold night...

.... the SU community had fallen asleep (*all close eyes*).. and nobody knew that the MAFIA was loose and acting through the night! The Sheriff couldn't figure it out. ...the doctor couldn't save anyone... and when all awoke (*all open eyes*) 7 students, an advisor, and a chaplain had gone missing!



In one week .. WE'LL BE OFF TO THE PHILIPPINES!!!.. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!.. This weekend we went on a retreat at the good ol' homestead to prepare and start getting our minds set on this journey. OMG.. and We'll all be together for a MONTH!.. I may throw Josh out the window!!.. hehe jk.. We've worked so great together for over a year now and I know that we will share an amazing experience. We have so many things planned!.. things to do, places to see, people to meet, and many opportunities to bring ( I pray) life, and laughter, and most importantly LOVE from SU to many in Manila.

I can't even express how I feel.. somehwere between a tear and a shriek of excitement.

No Worries SU.. this isn't MAFIA activity... We've embarked on a PHILIPPINE IMMERSION EXPERIENCE!!

Monday, July 25, 2005


At this time in 2 weeks we will be on a plane to the Philippines.. Oh My goodness.. 2 weeks!!.. I can't believe it!! I don't know if I ever thught it would be true.. I mean.. we've worked so hard, but it always seemed so far away.. and now.. TWO MORE WEEKS!!.. We have our vaccinations, our visas, our passports, our tickets, accomodations, our boxes.. AAAAHHH!.. exciting exciting!!..